Statement on the Invasion of Ukraine

The faculty and staff members of the Amherst College Russian Department wish to express our solidarity with the people of Ukraine as they endure the brutal and illegal takeover of their country being prosecuted by Vladimir Putin. We are horrified by the suffering and bloodshed the Russian invasion is causing the citizens of democratic Ukraine. We categorically reject Putin’s false claim that Ukraine and Russia are one country and affirm Ukraine’s absolute right to self-determination. We continue our efforts to educate our students and the public about the history and legacies of the Russian and Soviet empires. We join all those, in Ukraine, Russia and elsewhere, who oppose this act of aggression, and we join with the many in wishing for the safety of those threatened in the region. 

We examine the rebels, deviants, dissidents and loners of Russian literature, and the interchange between art and politics, from the Russian Futurists to Pussy Riot. All of our literature and culture courses are taught in translation.

A man with short hair and a beard wearing a sweater vest with a woman behind him with her arms on his shoulder

Boris Wolfson, In Memoriam

Amherst College mourns the passing of Boris Wolfson, associate professor of Russian, on June 13, 2024. Please read the following message sent to faculty and staff by Provost and Dean of the Faculty Catherine Epstein.

Major Explorations: Russian

Whether your passion is literature, politics, history, film, we offer courses on all of these subjects in English, so they are accessible to all comers, as well as a full Russian language curriculum. We have a remarkable resource called the Amherst Center for Russian Culture.