Requirements for the Computer Science Major

The Computer Science major requires nine total courses (six specific core courses and three electives) and the completion of the comprehensive exercise.

1. The Core Courses.  Every student is required to pass or place out of these courses:
  • COSC-111 Introduction to Computer Science I
  • COSC-112 Introduction to Computer Science II
  • COSC-175 Systems I
  • COSC-211 Data Structures
  • COSC-275 Systems II
  • COSC-311 Algorithms
2. Electives

Every student is required to take at least three  electives, chosen from courses numbered above 111.  Students who place out of any of the core courses are required to take additional electives so that they have taken at least nine Computer Science courses.  The Computer Science thesis courses COSC-498 and COSC-499 do NOT count as electives.

3. Comprehensive Exercise

Every student is required to complete a comprehensive exercise.  More information about comps in COSC.